Thursday 10 April 2014

New Homework Policy

Hi S1-07, as the ex-co mentioned in class, there will be a new homework policy that officially takes effect FROM TOMORROW ( 11th April 2014 ) . Register Number 21 will post tomorrow.
Here are some details:

1) Homework must be posted by 6pm. ( If you have legitimate reasons and for robotics CCA people, be sure to post by 7.30 pm or you can swap with someone else. )

2) Homework must be specific : It must also include the page number( if applicable ) and the Dateline.

3)If homework is not posted by anyone on the specific day, it would be taken that the person supposed to post the homework did not post the homework. ( Even if you swap with someone )

4)If the homework is not posted by 6pm ( 7.30pm if you have legitimate reasons ), the person responsible for posting the homework will be required to write a proposal on a new homework policy and/or how to improve the current homework policy.

5) If you do not post the homework for more than 3( THREE ) times in a year, you will receive a punishment which is writing out a 1000 word proposal. ( I believe no one will do this so i will not add any details. )

6)People who has legitimate reasons must inform the ex-co by 2.30 either by any means. If not, you will still have to write a proposal on a new homework policy and/or how to improve the current homework policy.

7)This homework policy is only tentative and might be changed/further improved.

8)Timothy WILL NOT help anybody to post the homework.

9)The EXCO will inform you about what to do specifically about the punishment when you need to do it.


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