Monday, 31 March 2014

Roles & Responsibilities

The SST Class Committee 2014

Goal: To cultivate a caring class culture, that exemplifies the 10Cs, so as to promote a conducive learning  
            environment where students respect, trust and support each other in a responsible manner.

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Commitment
  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Citizenship & Ethics
  • Cross-cultural understanding

Role of Form Teachers and co-Form Teachers
  • To work closely with the Class Committees to cultivate a caring class culture, that exemplifies the 10Cs.  
Roles of Class Committee
1. To develop and promote school spirit and culture through class bonding activities
2. To ensure the well-being of fellow classmates
3. To develop and foster care, concern and co-operation among classmates
4. To foster care for the environment and to ensure cleanliness of the classroom
5. To help plan school and level-wide activities when the need arises
6. To provide a link between school, teachers and classmates

Class Committee Structure
Teacher Advisor:  Form Teacher and co-Form Teacher

Class Executive Committee
Chairperson (x1)
Vice-Chairperson (x1)
Secretary (x1)
Treasurer (x1)
Peer Support Leaders / Student Councillors (only for Sec 3 & 4)

Class Sub-Committees*
Welfare / Service Learning Committee - Welfare / SL co-ordinator (x2)
Digital Citizenship Committee - Cyber Wellness / Media Literacy Ambassador  (x2)**
National Education Committee - NE representatives (x4 to 6)
Sports & Wellness Committee - Sports & Wellness representatives (x4 to 6)
*To appoint a leader for each sub-committee
**Sec 2 & Sec 4 Cyber-Wellness Ambassadors have been appointed last year. You    
 may reappoint a new member.

Duties of Class Committee Members

Class Chairperson
a. To provide leadership to the Class Exco members,  heads of each sub-committee and classmates in promoting school spirit and culture within the class.  
b. To work closely with the Form Teacher and co-Form Teacher to ensure smooth running of class activities and inform any problems or challenges within the class.
c. To facilitate class meetings together with Vice-Chairperson, with guidance from Form Teacher and co-Form Teacher. When need arises, to conduct class executive committee meetings with Form Teacher and co-Form Teacher.
d. To maintain discipline in the class especially during assemblies, in between lessons and when moving from class to class.
e. To embrace the SST’s school values and be a role model for classmates.

a. To assist the Class Chairperson in his/her roles and responsibilities listed above
b. To cover the duties of the Class Chairperson in his/her absence.
c. To ensure the sub-committees carry out their duties responsibly.

a. To assist the Form Teacher to take attendance on a daily basis during morning assembly, Friday assemblies, fire drills and any other occasions which requires the class attendance to be accounted.    
b. To monitor movement of classmates and ensure that no one leaves the class without the permission of the Form/Subject Teacher.
b. To write date and the names of absentees on the top right-hand corner of the whiteboard before the first period daily. To update this list of absentees during the course of the day if there are any changes.
b. To assist the Form Teacher and co-Form Teacher and Class Chairperson in any
     administrative matters.
c. To record minutes of class executive committee and class meetings and forward to Form
Teacher and Head of Year.
d. To update homework and any class events on the class homework board (found at the back of classroom) and class blog.

a. To collect money and keep a proper account of all collections and expenditure. [Note: Collect money only when needed. All money collected must be passed to Accounts Department or Form Teacher for safekeeping within the same day.]

Welfare / Service Learning Committee - Welfare / SL co-ordinator (x2)
a. To ensure the general well-being of the class through class and school-wide activities
b. To organize class bonding activities to build healthy relationships between members in class eg games, birthday celebrations...
c. To assist and liaise with Service Learning Teacher I/C on matters and activities related to Service Learning.

Digital Citizenship Committee - Cyber Wellness / Media Literacy Ambassador  (x2)
a. To be the class contact person for activities related to Digital Citizenship within the class, school and community.
b. To report any misuse or abuse of IT-related incidents.

National Education Committee - NE representatives (x4 to 6)
a. To be the class contact persons in activities related to National Education within the class, school and community.
b.   To assist NE Committee in organising NE-related events such as Total Defence Day, National day Celebrations, Racial Harmony Day etc,...

Sports & Wellness Committee - Sports & Wellness representatives (x4 to 6)
a. To be the class contact persons in activities related to Sports and Wellness
b. To organise school-wide events related to the Sports and Wellness Department

Environment Committee - Environment representatives (x4 to 6)
a. To ensure that the class environment (in and outside) is clean and conducive for learning.
b. To come up with Duty Roster and remind classmates to do their duties.
c. To be an advocate for the environment by promoting ways to save the environment within the classroom and the school.
d. To encourage classmates and schoolmates to save the environment by implementing projects.
e. To participate in and provide support to activities organised by the school’s Environment Club.

Subject representatives
a. To assist the subject teacher in the collection and distribution of homework, assignments
and projects.
     b. To remind classmates of homework, assignment, project deadlines, and assessment dates.
c. To assist the subject teacher in any activities organised by the academic department.
d. To take the initiative to implement projects or organise activities that promote the learning
of the subject. Eg. Putting up interesting articles related to the subject on the notice-board on a regular basis.

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